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- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // JSASample.c
- // Sample for the GoLive Extend Script SDK
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "JSA.h"
- #include <math.h>
- #ifdef WIN32
- #include <windows.h>
- #else
- #include <QuickDraw.h>
- #endif
- // Implement this macro once to set up the necessary structures.
- // Return the power of arg1 to arg2.
- static void power(int argc, JSValue *argv, JSValue returnValue)
- {
- double a, b, c;
- a = JSAValueToDouble(argv[0]);
- b = JSAValueToDouble(argv[1]);
- c = pow (a, b);
- JSADoubleToValue(returnValue, c);
- }
- // Draw an oval into the given rectangle. This demonstrates the
- // use of the JSADrawInfo structure.
- static void drawOval(int argc, JSValue *argv, JSValue returnValue)
- {
- long temp;
- JSADrawInfo* info;
- #ifdef WIN32
- HDC dc;
- temp = JSAValueToInt (argv[0]);
- info = (JSADrawInfo*) temp;
- dc = (HDC) info->context;
- Ellipse (dc, info->left, info->top, info->right, info->bottom);
- #else
- Rect r;
- temp = JSAValueToInt (argv[0]);
- info = (JSADrawInfo*) temp;
- r.left = (short) info->left;
- r.top = (short) info->top;
- r.right = (short) info->right;
- r.bottom = (short) info->bottom;
- FrameOval (&r);
- #endif
- }
- // Implement the JSAMain function to register all callable functions.
- void JSAEXPORT JSAMain(void)
- {
- JSARegisterFunction("power",power);
- JSARegisterFunction("drawOval",drawOval);
- }
- // optional, may be omitted
- void JSAEXPORT JSAExit(void)
- {}